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Several years ago, I was having dinner with a family of the church in the weeks preceding Vacation Bible School. Since the wife was volunteering at VBS, the conversation naturally shifted toward our preparations. As we clamored on about the jazzy theme, decorations, and schedule of activities, the husband sarcastically snorted, "I remember the days when the theme of Vacation Bible School was THE BIBLE!"
Many times since that occasion, I have remembered that comment – mostly when I have been on a ladder hanging a sparkly decoration from the ceiling or rearranging the sanctuary to create a beach scene or space shuttle mission control center!; Sometimes, when I have been racking my brain for a creative backdrop or am exhausted by the countless hours of preparation, I have been tempted by the same wondering – can’t VBS just be a little simpler?; Maybe you have wondered the same thing as you’ve entered the festive building on the Sunday morning before VBS!
But then, the Monday morning of VBS arrives, and I see the wonder-filled eyes of our preschoolers and children as they see this familiar place take on a new shape. For this week, their imaginations are allowed to run wild. The church becomes outer space, or a western ranch, or an exciting summer camp. They enjoy games and snacks and music and science experiments. They make new friends, both with kids their age and with various generations of adults who have given their time to help. Above all, they LEARN because they are having fun! And they feel special because they know that all of this energy and excitement and preparation is done just for them.
So is all of the effort and planning and time and money worth it? Does what we invest in Vacation Bible School make a difference? Yes. For the 90-something kids that entered these church doors last week to worship the God of the universe, it did. For the 60-something adults and youth who volunteered their time to laugh and play and be a role model for children, it did. And for a church who looks hopefully toward her future, it is worth every dime and every moment.
I overheard a long-time VBS volunteer say last week, "VBS is not what it used to be! But that’s a good thing." No, VBS is not what it used to be. All good things must endure some change in order to survive. But for the children of this church and community, VBS continues to be a wonderful gift. It teaches our children that they are loved by God and by this church, and it teaches them to share the love that they have received with our community and our world. When that happens, no matter what the decorations say, the theme of Bible School is the Bible!
Thanks, Julie, for all you do for the children of the church (and their parents!). I hear from reliable sources that this year's VBS was excellent.